Ushering in September...

Ushering in September...

August was a fast moving month and the last week of August was just go, go, go! 
Both boys are back in school, officially! It's great to seem them already enjoying the year, making friends, and amped to learn. X just earned his red belt and C started soccer, so it looks like September is going to be another busy month. 
I took a few days off to just rest and let my body take a beat and just catch up. So I have been catching up on lots of tv and been binging City Homicide and Real Housewives.The smoke from the fires has been just been insane, which makes staying inside a lot nicer. Praying that the fires get under control soon and that everyone stays safe. 
I did a little refresh and did a DIY haircut and for my first one, it didn't turn out to bad. It feels so much lighter and feels like the start of a new season. My mom double checked it for any odd ball spots.
Today will be spent in the studio working on sample sewing along with stitching up prototypes of upcoming sewing patterns and tutorials. 
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